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Clove Toothache Compress for Pain Relief

34,711 Visualizzazioni

Cloves contain a number of beneficial chemical compounds that have natural anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antimicrobial properties. Eugenol is one of the main beneficial compounds.

British researchers performed studies to determine the properties of eugenol. Trial results indicated that formulations containing eugenol were as effective as benzocaine for being a topical anesthetic.

Try these homemade recipes for a natural approach to pain relief.

Ground Clove Tooth Pain Remedy



  1. Rinse the mouth using warm salt water.
  2. Make a paste using a pinch of Ground Cloves and a few drops of water.
  3. Apply the paste to the area of the gum or tooth causing pain.

Whole Cloves for Toothache



  1. Cleanse the mouth with warm salt water.
  2. Put one or two Whole Cloves on the irritated tooth or gum.
  3. When the cloves soften, chew them over the affected area to release the clove oil.
  4. Remove the cloves once the pain subsides.

Clove Oil for Oral Pain Relief



  1. Rinse the mouth using warm salt water.
  2. Mix two to three drops of clove oil with the olive oil.
  3. Soak a cotton swab or a cotton ball with the mixture.
  4. Apply the cotton directly to the affected area.

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